Tight Finances? Five Ways To Find Extra Money Laying Around Your Home
If you need to get your hands on some quick money for household bills or an unanticipated financial crisis, you may find what you need simply laying around your home. Take a good look at your belongings to determine if there are any items that could be used to get out of your conundrum, and that could fetch a pretty-penny when you resell these things.
Five ways that could lead to quick money when you need it most are:
- Assess your jewelry. Take any jewelry that you come across to a reputable jeweler or broker to determine the worth before selling. There are some online sites that offer evaluations, and some may potentially offer to buy your items. Make sure that you know what you have before agreeing to a sale in order to obtain the most favorable results from the transaction. Contact a company like Fortuna Auction to learn more.
- Auction something online. Check out the many online auction platforms that provide sellers with a broad audience for unwanted belongings. Be sure to assess the fees and charges first, to ensure you will be earning what you need to get over your financial obstacle. There are some sites that sellers can use to get rid of anything, from clothes to cars, with little effort or work.
- Host a tag-sale. Make the effort to throw a yard sale this summer; this can be a great way to pick up some money while cleaning out the house. Talk with neighbors about joining in and getting rid of their unwanted things, too. Plus, the added vendors can draw more attention and increase traffic to your sale.
- Sell something on consignment. Though it may take a little time, offer up some items to a nearby consignment store or online site to get a good price for your unwanted clothing, shoes, bags, or jewelry. There may be some platforms that deal specifically with tools or equipment, also.
- Give to charity. If you are facing the prospect of owing money for taxes or end-of-the-year expenses, consider making a donation to charity right now. Many consumers may find that they are eligible for a substantial tax credit simply by giving unwanted possessions to a worthy organization. Make sure to get a receipt at the time of drop-off to document the donation for tax purposes.
A financial hurdle is the perfect time to look around and clean-out things that could get you out of your jam. Make sure to have third-party evaluations of valuable items, such as jewelry, before relinquishing these items to pawn brokers or buyers. Simply giving-up a few belongings could provide the money you need to get back on track!